Review for user AMD Soldier from fourtwenty
fourtwenty (43)
Bought a copy of XP home edition then returned it when it wasn't what I thought it was.
AMD Soldier was the Seller on September 27, 2002 AnandTech
I had a post asking for a legit operating system. I made a deal with AMD soldier for Windows XP Home. He told me that it had a small Dell logo on the CD, which was fine by me. When it arrived I found that it was just the CD, (which was a re-installation CD for a new Dell computer) and had the CD-key hand written on the paper sleeve. When we made the deal he did not tell me that he wouldn't be able to provide everything required to make it a legal sale of OEM software. I returned it to him as soon as I got it. He kept great communication with me and I don't believe that he was purposely trying to troll me. However I think he should have been more forthcoming with details about the software. I have the private message as a .pdf if anyone wants to read it. I would still reccomend him as a trader, don't hold this one transaction against him.
September 27, 2002