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#10 of 87,773 users
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Eqtitan (113)
Traded Dell GX260 desktop, plus Acer Aspire One Netbook 150-1029 black for Quad core setup + motherboard + case + power supply + ram.
Cross-traded on July 15, 2009 AnandTech
Once again DPOSCORP is an awesome person to trade with especially because he\'s local and has never fallen short of my expectations. Top notch seller/trader one of the best within the community.
July 16, 2009
SupaFly99 (182)
Dual Opteron board MSI SLI
Dposcorp was the Buyer on January 28, 2006 2CPU
Great person to deal with. Local deal. A++++
January 29, 2006
khas (10)
I sold Dposcorp an MSI 785GT-E63 motherboard for $30 shipped.
Dposcorp was the Buyer on May 21, 2012 AnandTech
Really great communication, and a very prompt payment. Sending me a few cents in paypal in order to send me his confirmed address was a really nice touch.
May 26, 2012
filezz (159)
Bought cose for boarderlands 2
Dposcorp was the Seller on August 31, 2012 AnandTech
I paid.. He sent directions to redeem boarderlands.
All went well Nice deal Thanks.
September 1, 2012
bucd (307)
Bought an i5 2320 CPU
Dposcorp was the Seller on February 21, 2017 HardForum
Have done business with before. Always a pleasure. Smooth transaction as always. A+++ trader here.
February 28, 2017
MarmadukeMSB (2)
Asus 2G Surf EeePC
Dposcorp was the Seller on November 17, 2009 HardForum
Quick responses, fast shipper, great packaging. Pleasure to do business with.
November 18, 2009
Pardus (50)
bought two Seagate hard drives both under warranty!!
Dposcorp was the Seller on November 26, 2005 AnandTech
a laptop Momentus and a desktop Barracuda for the pc. both work great,awesome trader,fast shipper,great prices,will do biz anytime..
February 14, 2006
max347 (408)
Bought a quad
Dposcorp was the Seller on September 13, 2010 HardForum
Excellent trader as always, fast shipping, great cpu. Thanks again!
September 17, 2010
bustbang (349)
Sold a Asus laptop
Dposcorp was the Buyer on December 12, 2018 AnandTech
Another smooth transaction. I always look forward to trading with him.
December 19, 2018
Away (65)
Asus EEE PC 2G Surf Package
Dposcorp was the Buyer on March 18, 2011 AnandTech
Fast payment and good communication throughout. A great trader that I would do business with again.
March 22, 2011
TangleWeb (138)
This is at least my third deal with Al & as smooth as the others. Another member was looking for a USB thumb drive on the Agora & Al posted. That deal didn't pan out, but Al & I reached a deal on the drive. I PayPal'd & Al shipped. As always the packaging was near "bullet proof" :-)
Dposcorp was the Seller on March 6, 2005 ArsTechnica
It is always a pleasure to trade with Al.
March 6, 2005
LaserJim (18)
Purchased a netbook from Dposcorp
Dposcorp was the Seller on December 23, 2011 ArsTechnica
Great communication, netbook showed up in perfect condition.
Additonal wordsDecember 29, 2011
Addnor (12)
Bought a couple hard drives
Dposcorp was the Seller on July 22, 2012 HardForum
Fast shipping and great communication. Hard drives were in original sealed packaging.
July 23, 2012
Mrpawick (102)
Bought a 74gb Velciraptor
Dposcorp was the Seller on January 1, 2011 HardForum
Put up a WTB thread, and he immediately responded with a great. Shipped quickly, and it arrived quickly. Wouldn't have it any other way.
January 5, 2011
Liquid Cool (80)
Sold Dposcorp a Pentium Dual Core G620T in a retail box; sans the cpu cooler.
Dposcorp was the Buyer on July 25, 2011 HardForum
Very pleasurable experience, communications we're friendly, prompt and professional. Would definitely trade with Dposcorp again, and have no hesitation in giving him a solid recommendation.
Best Regards,
Liquid CoolJuly 27, 2011
kaiea (45)
bought a 300 gig hard drive
Dposcorp was the Seller on July 6, 2009 HardForum
great communication, super fast shipping. shipped to APO address also no questions asked. thanks again
July 7, 2009
SixthHokage (68)
Traded a Asus K53E laptop for a a ELO TOUCHSYSTEMS 1529L 15?Ç¥ touchscreen monitor, Dell Latitude D520 laptop, and $50 cash.
Cross-traded on September 11, 2012 AnandTech
Dposcorp responded to private messages quickly, paid promptly, and shipped items in the trade right away. Everything was packed perfectly and both items were exactly as described. I could not have asked for a more perfectly executed trade. Thank you!
September 23, 2012
KuJaX (119)
sold him a tablet
Dposcorp was the Buyer on January 24, 2013 HardForum
he said he was interestd, paid quickly, let me know he got it and left heat promptly. great transaction
February 3, 2013
996gt2 (45)
Bought a 320GB WD Scorpio Black
Dposcorp was the Seller on April 21, 2011 AnandTech
Great communication and fast shipping. Drive was packed extremely well. Would deal with again without hesitation.
April 26, 2011
killster1 (242)
I bought a Xeon laptop with 14\" lcd and accessory\'s.
Dposcorp was the Seller on September 12, 2007 HardForum
Was shipped very fast and in nice condition, will do business with dposcorp again soon.
September 13, 2007
deersteak (93)
Traded a pile of parts - RAM and CPU for other higher density RAMs
Cross-traded on January 16, 2012 ArsTechnica
Just like always, he packs like a pro and keeps in great communication. Have traded in the past with him and I'm sure I will again in the future.
January 19, 2012
aconway (43)
A64 2800+ CPU, DFI LanParty UT MB,512MB DDR Ram combo
Dposcorp was the Buyer on March 24, 2005 Other/Unknown
Nothing to say but a perfect transaction! Al sold me a A64 2800+,DFI LanParty UT MB,Memory and tossed in a couple extras to boot. He is a great guy to do business with..I will be more than happy to deal with again! Thanks!!
March 24, 2005
dranthony (61)
Sold canon IS700 6.1mp camera with extras
Dposcorp was the Buyer on March 6, 2012 AnandTech
Great communication and paid promptly. Very easy to deal with and great sell overall. Thanks for the easy transaction.
March 9, 2012
qwerty57 (134)
4x pc3200 mushkin ecc/reg \"MICRON\" IC based ram sticks.
Dposcorp was the Buyer on May 10, 2006 2CPU
Buyer traded me for two swiftech air coolers and everything went perfectly. great communication throughout the transaction. will deal again in the future 100%.
May 11, 2006
Gary Seeba (93)
[H] Sold DPOSCORP 128MB PC 2700 memory.
Dposcorp was the Buyer on March 19, 2004 Other/Unknown
Smooth transaction carried out through paypal. No problems encountered in any aspect. Good trader, with references to back it up. A++ :D
March 19, 2004