Review for user NiTrO bOiE from g0dM@n
g0dM@n (1203)
Radeon X800XT PE AGP 8X
NiTrO bOiE was the Buyer on November 12, 2007
Communication couldn\'t have been better. Payment couldn\'t have been faster. I don\'t think I have any other comments other than I love it when a trader appreciates my work. I love helping others out that are in need, especially when it\'s with guys from OCF (no offense to any other forums, it\'s just my home).
I really hope you enjoy, man. That card served my brother well and we only got rid of it b/c his new board was a PCI-E. We loved the card so much for his purpose that I got him an X850XT (pretty much same exact thing as the card you have). :) A+ guy!!November 13, 2007